Iowa Sleep Blog

Technology and New Year Resolutions

Monday, January 02, 2017
Technology that can Help Your New Year’s Sleep Resolutions On average, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions, and one of the most popular is to sleep more or set a better sleep schedule. Many start out motivated in January, but find themselves losing steam by February and March. Set yourself up for success by using an app to help track your…

Want to Lose Weight? Sleep More.

Monday, January 04, 2016
Who knew, right? If your New Year’s resolution is get back into shape and maybe lose a few of those extra pounds in the process, the simple act of sleeping more can help aid in your weight loss and fitness journey. Sleep does more than just energize you for the day – it also does a multitude of other things, like: Allows muscles to repair themselves – When you sleep, the…

Why Sleep Is Important for High School Athletes

Monday, September 21, 2015
No matter what age you are, sleep is important. Making sure you are getting enough shut eye is extremely important for high school students, but it’s even more important for high school athletes. These athletes have a lot on their plates these days – hours of practices, games, training sessions, homework and keeping up with their friends and family. With all this going on, it can be easy…

The Importance of Sleep for Athletes

Monday, March 16, 2015
To be one of the best athletes in the world we know you need to train hard and eat a balanced diet. But if you’re also not sleeping well, all this hard work is going to waste. For the world’s top athletes, one night of bad sleep could be the difference between a win and a loss. Sleep and athletic performance is especially critical this time of year, as the NCAA March Madness college…

Technology that Can Help Your New Year’s Sleep Resolutions

Tuesday, January 06, 2015
On average, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions, and one of the most popular is to sleep more or set a better sleep schedule. Many start out motivated in January, but find themselves losing steam by February and March. Set yourself up for success by using an app to help track your progress and keep yourself motivated when things get tough. Here are some of…

How to Deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder and Saying Goodbye to the “Winter Blues”

Monday, December 08, 2014
With dropping temperatures and shorter days, it can be hard to feel cheerful and jolly during the cold winter months. If you (or someone you know) seem to drop into a funk you just can’t shake around this time each year, you may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the changing of seasons each year, usually beginning in the fall,…

How Exercise Improves Sleep

Monday, August 04, 2014
You’ve heard the phrase “sleep is the best medicine,” but sometimes sleep, or more specifically, sleeping well, is the problem. If that’s the case, then exercise may need to be your next prescription. An active lifestyle can help treat or prevent multiple sleep problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and insomnia.  Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) OSA is a sleep-related…