Iowa Sleep Blog

How to Sleep Better with ADHD

Monday, April 11, 2016
For many, the ability to fall asleep at night does not come easy. They feel distracted or hyperactive and unable to focus on just one thing, such as relaxing and getting ready for sleep. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects about nine percent of children and four percent of adults in the U.S., and really has an impact on sleep. When you have ADHD, it can be hard to…

Sleeping for Two: Pregnancy and Sleep

Monday, April 04, 2016
Pregnancy is an exciting time for new mothers and their families, as their bodies are growing, changing and preparing to carry your little bundle (or bundles) of joy. As you progress through the three trimesters, your sleep habits will begin to change, and at some point, it might feel downright hard to sleep at all. To help prepare for sleeping while being pregnant, we’ve gathered up some…

Spring Allergies and Cleaning Your CPAP

Monday, March 28, 2016
We are one week past the official first day of spring, which means (if they haven’t already) spring allergies will be in full effect as the grass begins to grow and the trees blossom. If you experience seasonal allergies, or even a spring cold or two, and also wear a CPAP at night to ease sleep apnea symptoms, it is important to maintain a clean machine to keep it operating…

What Is Sleep Talking?

Monday, March 21, 2016
From a few incoherent words, to complete conversations, sleep talking, also technically known as somnliloquy, is a sleep disorder that involves unconscious talking while asleep. While many people assume sleep talking involves saying real words, many times it can be a mixture of noises that don’t sound anything like words. Anyone can experience an episode of sleep talking,…

Sleep Awareness Week 2016

Monday, March 14, 2016
Last week was National Sleep Awareness Sleep Week, and the National Sleep Foundation has some tips for better sleep that we think are pretty great. We’ve included them below and added our thoughts. 1. Start making time for the sleep your mind and body needs – Sleep does so many important things for our body, so it’s important to make sure you are getting the recommended…

Don’t Lose Sleep to Daylight Saving Time

Monday, March 07, 2016
For many, the beginning of daylight saving time marks the beginning of spring, and the unfortunate loss of one hour from the day. Daylight saving time was first enacted in Europe in 1916, in hopes to cut down energy use in the spring and summer, when it stays light out for longer into the evening. Here are a few easy tips to make the “spring forward” time adjustment – happening at 2…

Why Do I Constantly Feel Tired?

Monday, February 29, 2016
One of the most commonly accepted signs of a sleep apnea is the feeling of being constantly tired. But, just because you feel sleepy throughout the day doesn’t necessarily mean you have a sleep apnea. There are many other sleep or lifestyle habits that could be inhibiting your ability to sleep well at night. While this collection is in no way all-encompassing, we’ve put together a list of…

How Sleeping Well Can Improve Your Heart Health

Monday, February 22, 2016
While it might not seem obvious, keeping your heart healthy and sleeping the recommended amount each night go hand-in-hand. Besides the regular wellness benefits of a good night’s rest, sleep also helps strengthen your immune system, fights inflammation and keeps your heart and blood working smoothly. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women – more than…

Sleep on the Presidential Campaign Trail

Monday, February 15, 2016
As Iowans, we are no stranger to seeing presidential hopefuls eat a variety of fried foods at the State Fair, have a cup of coffee at Smokey Row or search for the best tenderloin in the city. Many joke that the way to the White House starts in Iowa. But, spending so much time on the road, sometimes up to weeks at time, can be tiring for even the most seasoned road warrior. Here are some…

Sleep Apnea After Treatment (2 of 2)

Monday, February 08, 2016
More than 18 million American adults have sleep apnea, but many more let it go untreated. Last week, we discussed what happens when OSA goes untreated on our blog, and the health concerns that can arise if it is left untreated. Like many other health issues, the risks associated with this sleep problem significantly decrease when it is treated. There are multiple ways to treat sleep…